Printing Services
Why Print With Us?
We offer one stop shopping. You can order prints and a display at the same time. We have the printing capabilities and experience to make sure the graphic looks great and fits into your display. We offer high-quality printing on our digital printers for indoor and outdoor fixture displays such as banner stands, poster cases, poster frames, sign frames, floor sign holders, and light boxes.

There are no minimum quantity requirements. We can print in a variety of sizes from small 4" x 4" signs to large posters and signage banners that are 96" x 96". No matter if you work for a small mom and pop shop or a large corporation, we can print what you need.
Depending on the display product you order, we offer "Print-in-Display" services, where your print is inserted into the display fixture and then shipped all together.
Eliminate costly and timely mistakes! Nothing can be more frustrating than receiving a print that does not fit into your display. We know the media type, style, and stock thickness that works best with each of our displays.
Other benefits include:
- Easy online ordering
- Great pricing
- Fast turnaround times
- A wide selection of printing substrates
- We use environmentally friendly, odor-free ink
- We have over 25 years of experience in the display and signage industry
Quick tips for ordering prints
Acceptable File Types - Our preference is to have files submitted in TIFF, EPS, PDF, JPEG, or PSD formats. Make sure to embed all fonts in these files. If possible, send all files and layouts at actual size.
Poster SwingFrames - When ordering a print and SwingFrame Display together choose "Place in Frame" and your poster ships in your frame. All that's left for you to do is hang the frame!
Indoor Prints - Choose a substrate that works with your display. We offer Photo Paper, Backlit Film, or Vinyl as substrates in Satin, Matte, or Glossy finishes. These substrates work with most of our indoor wall or freestanding poster displays.
Outdoor Prints - If you are placing your poster outdoors, it is essential the graphic can withstand the elements. Consider using lamination to protect your print. We offer UV protection on our laminates.
Mounted Graphics - If your display requires a rigid graphic, choose from a variety of substrates on which we can mount the print, including Poster Board, Foamcore, Gatorfoam, and Sintra. These materials come in a variety of thicknesses from 1mm up to 1/2" thick.
Lamination - This protects your posters from dirty finger prints, the outdoor elements, and UV damage from the sun.
Proofs - For any job where the final color is critical, we recommend a color proof before we run your final prints. The extra cost of a proof could easily pay for itself if problems are found. Contact us with any questions, and we will help you determine the best approach for your job.
Electronic Uploads (Email or 3rd Party Website)
Email - If your files are smaller than 10MB, you can email them to Please include your Order Number and contact information in the email.
3rd Party Website - This is the most common method to send files larger than 10MB. Some popular and user-friendly websites are: WebCargo, DropBox and WeTransfer. Please enter our email address as the recipient when sending your files. If you have any questions please call us at 844-409-1134.
*Remember to note your Order Number and contact information when transmitting files.
File Specifications and Other Notes

Bleed - If your print requires mounting, you should allow for 1/4" bleed on all sides of your file or outside the cutting path. If you are ordering double-sided prints, you should allow 1/2" bleed. The bleed enables us to precisely trim your print to the correct size. If your print will not be mounted or the final trim size can vary by 1/8", then bleed is not necessary.
Resolution - The proper resolution for images is dependent on the viewing distance of the finished print. For the best quality higher resolutions are required.
- For viewing distances of 5 feet or less, we recommend images be at least 300 dpi at their final output size.
- For viewing distances of 5 - 10 feet, we recommend images be at least 150 dpi at their final output size.
- For viewing distances of 10 feet or greater, we recommend images be at least 72 dpi at their final output size.
- If your print contains text or line art elements that are part of the bitmap image, resolutions higher than 300 dpi can be beneficial. In general, it is best to leave these types of elements in their native form for the best quality.
* Keep in mind that your images should fit the resolution guidelines above. If we have to enlarge your image, the dpi will decrease. For example, a 300 dpi image at 1/4 scale will only be 75 dpi when printed at actual size.